Monday, April 27, 2009

Twittering Another Poem (The Parking Space)

I can’t deny that Twitter is getting to me to write poetry again. I can’t argue for the quality as of yet, but it’s iambic pentameter, and that’s for sure.

Here’s the second twitter-caused poem, based on these two tweets:

Witnessed great Seinfeld parody on the streets of Cambridge today over pulling or backing in to parking space. But with HBO language.

Amazing how mind will crave a little piece of space for a short period of time and turn it into the most important situation in the universe

The Parking Space
(apologies to the TV situation comedy, Seinfeld)

On a street outside of Harvard Yard
we come across a madcap argument
about possession of a parking space.

It seems that one accomplice drove right in
despite the fact another was about
to back it in, turn signal clearly on.

Tempers go rising like these unseasonable
spring temperatures, and the language being used
is not exactly the academic kind.

It’s unbelievable how we can desire
an insignificant amount of space
for briefest interludes of metered time

and turn it to the ultimate essential
situation in the universe—
but that’s our unrealistic paradigm.

Seven tweets encompassed the entire twitter-life of this poem, including introduction. Here they are:

Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3
Stanza 4
Stanza 5

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

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