Thursday, April 30, 2009

Twitter Poem Again: Poem Without Thought

Poem Without Thought

First sign of thought this morning,
I turned into a left

onto a field of lively

residing here until
the cows of Mu come home:

space without a measure,
time without a moment,

next without preceding,
before without an after,

green void without one color—
adoring the God of No God,

an all without a one
and singularity

without a single compare.

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yet Another Twitter Poem: No Creed

No Creed

Within this land
of sense and thought,
Spirit is
the wildest seed.

At best, we do
prepare the ground,
but nothing grows
to meet our need.

The growth of Spirit
is Its grace
beyond our world
of word and deed.

In fact, this world
gets pulled away—
the fruit of Spirit
lifts that weed.

based on these 2 tweets:

Spirit is beyond all human understanding, is "experienced" beyond the senses and thought, and is not translatable by any human means.

It helps to prepare the ground, but Spirit is a wild seed. Its growth is its own grace. And its fruit is the destruction of your "world."

Poem tweets:

Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3
Stanza 4

later revision: S1;L1: substituted "land" for "world

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Monday, April 27, 2009

Twittering Another Poem (The Parking Space)

I can’t deny that Twitter is getting to me to write poetry again. I can’t argue for the quality as of yet, but it’s iambic pentameter, and that’s for sure.

Here’s the second twitter-caused poem, based on these two tweets:

Witnessed great Seinfeld parody on the streets of Cambridge today over pulling or backing in to parking space. But with HBO language.

Amazing how mind will crave a little piece of space for a short period of time and turn it into the most important situation in the universe

The Parking Space
(apologies to the TV situation comedy, Seinfeld)

On a street outside of Harvard Yard
we come across a madcap argument
about possession of a parking space.

It seems that one accomplice drove right in
despite the fact another was about
to back it in, turn signal clearly on.

Tempers go rising like these unseasonable
spring temperatures, and the language being used
is not exactly the academic kind.

It’s unbelievable how we can desire
an insignificant amount of space
for briefest interludes of metered time

and turn it to the ultimate essential
situation in the universe—
but that’s our unrealistic paradigm.

Seven tweets encompassed the entire twitter-life of this poem, including introduction. Here they are:

Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3
Stanza 4
Stanza 5

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Twittering (tweeting) a Poem:
Running Into Cherry Blossoms

It’s been awhile since I wrote a real live poem. But today, after seeing a cherry tree just beginning to blossom, I knew I needed to write something. So I did.

After completing the poem, I decided to tweet it line my line. Unlike Ben Okri who did the same, line by line, day by day, I decided to do this in one day, with intervals of maybe ½ hour or less. After all, I’m no Ben Okri.

In doing so, I discovered a benefit in such a project. I began to take an even closer look at each line. Of course, I should be doing this already. But nevertheless, such was the case in this event.

So here’s the finished work:

Running Into Cherry Blossoms

My mind was running like my car this morning
focused on some marginal pursuit
as well as breakfast and a mug of coffee,
when I caught a trace of cherry blossoms
like a coral-colored burst beginning
to descend in periodic sprays.
Gloria in Excelsis, the Manifest
approach of consciousness has materialized
in this imagining this morning. Just sensing
its presence with all my sight, I’ve disappeared
completely. All that now remains is one
abyss in blossom, fresh, unyielding, light.

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Postmodern Kōan 2: wilderness canaries

Postmodern Kōan 2: Rin Tin Roshi serenades the wilderness canaries with a photocopy of an aloe vera. Astabula! Lemonade! Vacuum Cleaner! Yo!

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Friday, April 24, 2009

Postmodern Kōans

For posterity’s sake, I am posting here the Postmodern Kōans I’ve been twittering.

They are not in any way satires about the paradoxical nature of Kōans themselves. Neither are they attempts to highlight the absurdity of postmodern poetry. Rather they are my attempt to highlight the inability of words to convey the Truth.

That there is some method behind their madness may not be evident. But there is.
Postmodern Kōan 1: Banana me an apricot beyond the Appaloosa shore and what. And would you weather-proof your ghost machine as well?

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Monday, April 20, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

NC-15: Apologies to Will

~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers

Wednesday, April 1, 2009