I know these steps won't sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they're gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this:
"'So am I.'
"The system we have now might work for the powerful and well-connected interests that have run Washington for far too long, but I don’t. I work for the American people.
Al Giordano lets us know succinctly what actually happened here:
Okay, here's what I think just happened: The President has reframed the narrative from the stale dysfunction of Democrats demonizing Republicans and Republicans demonizing Democrats and stepped over that puddle of slime to create a more authentic narrative: The American people vs. the special interests (and note that the ones he mentions are universally from the corporate sector).
Truthful (right) action involves clarity of the situation. That’s what the Bhagavad Gita, after all, is all about. Arjuna cannot take action because he does not see the situation clearly. Krishna tries in many ways to explain that situation to Arjuuna so that he can see it and take right action.
For too long, American politics has witnessed a charade of a battlefield between Democrats and Republicans. Both parties have been beneficiaries of the “special interests.”
As Giordano entertainingly sees it:
This is the real "us against them" fight to be waged, far more important than the eternal and often childish skirmishes between Democrats and Republicans. He's just pulled the curtain to reveal those who are the real obstructionists behind the puppets. This is exactly to what I had referred to back on February 7 when I noted that bipartisanship is not all carrots, but is also a big stick to be wielded on Congressional Republicans and Democrats alike.
Tread carefully, oh members of Congress.
Meanwhile, I'm firing up the popcorn.
This is fascinating stuff. Not only is it watching history begin to turn towards a new direction, but we’re also witnessing spiritual wisdom played out on the stage of the world and its consensual reality.
Good stuff indeed.
~Peace to All and One,
Son Rivers
1 comment:
"Not only is it watching history begin to turn towards a new direction, but we’re also witnessing spiritual wisdom played out on the stage of the world and its consensual reality."
Can't happen too soon.
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